Nine Mile Canyon
Joan Hoffmann oil paints the breadth of open space-landscapes that inspire conservation and conversation. For over forty-five years she has carried her paints and heart into the wild and remote regions of the west, and from desert to ridgelines and all the while recording the breathe of the Colorado Plateau. Her voice and visual discussions of the Nature of Wilderness Painting, National Parks and Public Lands resonate across a broad landscape of interested groups. She is the 2016 Marsh Billings Rockefeller National Park Artist-in-Residence and previously was a Yosemite National Park Artist-in-Residence and at the 50th National Wilderness Conference she presented, The Art of Wilderness. Her impressionist oils give standing, presence and form to the fact that we are the wild. Her oils are collected: Yosemite National Park Museum, Pt Reyes National Seashore, SUWA and Sierra Club, The Nature Conservancy, and private patrons.
Comb Ridge
Desolation Canyon
San Rafael Swell
Tank Mesa, Bluff, Utah